The French romantic thriller follows Pablo (Théo Cholbi), a small-time drug dealer, and his teenage sister Apolline (Lila Gueneau) who have formed an unbreakable bond through their shared obsession with the online video game Darknoon. When Pablo falls in love with the mysterious Night (Erwan Kepoa Falé), he is consumed by their connection, abandoning his sister to face the impending closure of their digital paradise alone. As Pablo's reckless choices incur the wrath of a dangerous rival gang, the end of their virtual lives approaches, changing their reality.
Fratello Arancione 2025 H264.10Bit JFF
31/50 Nel 2014, il telefono dello scrittore di BuzzFeed Matt Stopera fu rubato da un bar di New York. Un anno dopo, le foto di un uomo in piedi davanti a una vetrina e vicino a un albero di arance apparvero misteriosamente nel suo flusso iPhoto. Matt scrisse un articolo