Superboys of Malegaon is a film based on the life of Nasir Shaikh, an amateur filmmaker from the town of Malegaon. The townspeople look to Bollywood cinema as a much-needed escape from the daily grind. Nasir is inspired to make a film for the people of Malegaon, by the people of Malegaon. He brings together his ragtag group of friends to bring his vision to life, thereby bringing new life to the town. The film is a poignant yet uplifting take on both filmmaking and friendship – and what happens when these two worlds collide.
Love Me 2025 WEBRipDUAL.H.x265 Download via Torrent Yak.Hi
47/17 Love Me 2025: A Journey Beyond Humanity In the year 2025, the film "Love Me" presents a unique narrative that explores the themes of love and existence long after humanity has left the Earth. The story revolves around a buoy and a satellite that have inherited a desolate planet,