Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and based on a short story by George R.R. Martin, the story centers on a queen who, in her quest to fulfill her love, plays a daring game: she sends the powerful and fearsome sorceress Gray Alys (Mila Jovovich) into a haunted wasteland in search of magical power from the lost lands, where the sorceress and her guide, the drifter Boyce (Dave Bautista), must outwit and defeat both man and demon.
28 Years Later HC.10Bit Torrent GalaxyRG265
30/12 28 Years Later: A New Chapter in the Rage Virus Saga The highly anticipated sequel 28 Years Later brings back the chilling atmosphere of its predecessor 28 Days Later. Directed by the acclaimed Danny Boyle and written by the talented Alex Garland, this film promises to delve deeper into